Sunday, February 14, 2010

Translation 001



佛陀曾在印度各国四处说法,来到了广严城.坐在 一棵树下.那棵树被清风吹过时奏出美妙的音乐.当时有8,000位大比丘和36,000位大菩萨一同集会.大菩萨当中的领导人包括了文殊菩萨,观世音菩萨,弥勒菩萨,善现菩萨、大慧菩萨、明慧菩萨、山峰菩萨、辩峰菩萨、持妙高峰菩萨、不空超越菩萨、彻妙音菩萨、常思惟菩萨、和执金刚菩萨等等.此外,集会中也有各国的国王,大臣,其他宗教的宗教师,在家的修佛者,天龙八部,一般人,还有非人道的其他众生等.他们此次集会的目的,就是要听佛说法.

这次佛所说的法门,具有许多特征.首先,这个法门在听闻时,修行时和究竟时,三个阶段,都都能获得特殊利益.第二,这次所说的法,言辞和义理都十分巧妙.第三,这是个圆满的,一乘的,能使修行者彻底清除染浊的法门. 第四,这个法门的修行方独特且透明化.佛说了这个法门,让听众都获得殊胜的利益和欢喜,并且引导了他们成就微妙的修行和大愿,帮助了他们迈向成佛的方向垮了一大步.

English Translation:
Thus have I heard:
Once, the Buddha was travelling across countries to preach Dharma. One day, He arrived at the city of Vaisali and rested under a tree which produced musical sounds as it was blown by the wind. In the assembly were 8,000 great Bikkhus and 36,000 Maha-Boddhisattvas. The leaders among the Maha-Boddhisattvas included Superb Auspiciousness Boddhisattva (Manjusri), Observer of Freedom Boddhisattva (Avalokite), Loving Kindness Boddhisattva (Maitreya), Perfect Manifestation Boddhisattva, Great Wisdom Boddhisattva, Brilliant Wisdom Boddhisattva, Peak Boddhisattva, Peak Debater Boddhisattva, Holder of Superb Tall Peak Boddhisattva, Surpasser of Non-Emptiness Boddhisattva, Penetrative Superb Sound Boddhisattva, Constant Thought Boddhisattva, Holder of Diamond Pestle Boddhisattva. Additionally, there were monarchs, court officials, religious leaders, home-based Buddhists, eight groups of heavenly and dragon beings, commoners, and other beings not belonging to the Human Realm. The assembly had gathered with the purpose to listen to the Buddha preach Dharma.

This Discourse is distinguished in a few ways. Firstly, the Practice benefits practitioners in all three stages: when they first hear it, when they are practicing it and when they have perfected it. Second, the Discourse was lucid and the keystone is ingenious. Thirdly, the Practice provides one direct path to remove of defilements completely. Fourthly, the Practice is unique and transparent. The audience derived great benefits and delight, and had been directed to progress towards the perfection of their personal Buddhist practices and great vows.

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